Friday, April 30, 2010

It is Friday and now I have to start all over again

It was a great week. Lets see I worked, did my visiting teaching, got the laundry done, cleaned, read two books, did young women's, was in the principals office a few times, went to a wedding, went to the temple, went to the gym, started weight watchers, went on splits with the missionaries and mothered and wifed. I wonder why I have no me time.
The house is full of teenagers and Michael is upstairs, trying to figure out how he can get out of a business trip so he can go to the principals office and get ready for Matthew in the school play this week.
Peter is still out there and advised me that he will stay the whole two years because of me, the Lord and the good people of Illinois. I can see changes like no other in Peter Bennett( from this side of the country). He is just grateful he is in a car mission right now and will be ready for a bike mission soon. John is talking with Facebook and Google people to get them involved with Plasma, that is all I want on Facebook! Samantha has more girls nights out than I have nights. It is a new generation. My groups idea of girls night out was seeing each other at the grocery store at night. I remember when we did Bunco at night and we kept saying this is the last month and then we did it for three years and felt guilty every month.
James is still working 95 hours a week. This is the kid that hated to work. I think it was all the hits to the head in football.
So here I am on a Friday Night thinking I should be at the gym, but having a grounded teenager, with all his friends eating Pizza and and carrots and begging me to let him be semi grounded for the night. because we have no TV, computer or any other electronic devises available to them for a month. Logical Love, Is that what they call this.
Well I am feeling the effects of healthy eating, I am starving to death, I know my body will love this in 5-6 weeks, but right now it is calling out to the donuts on the counter, that one of Matthews friends brought from Track. So we have a Track star, Crew star, Dancing star and Matthew the class clown and actor. Oh well at least last night he stayed on the treadmill for a hour at the gym so he could watch his show.
Well a week is gone and I am going to rest up for the next week. But it restarts tomorrow. A wedding, then a Stake revision and so on and so forth. Have to get my stores and Post offices ready for Mothers Day only to destroy them the next week for Fathers Day. Oh well, I love the money, or I could always go back to Insurance, ick!
Well, got to go somewhere where I am not thinking of food. The garage, in the new car, with the hot seats should do it. Or the Lounge with the rope and Col. Mustard.

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