Sunday, April 11, 2010

Started the, "Shut your Mouth and Move your Feet Diet"

Woke up yesterday and said, it is time to get Fit and Healthy. Although, I have to say I have said those words before, only for the past 58 years, but out of character, I actually did something; shocking as it seems!
OK, first we went and bought a new, to us, Black(racy) Chevy Trail Blazer. It has heated seats, bottoms and back, soft leather and DVD player and all the extras. It has lots of extra miles on it and a little dent and is not green friendly, so the perfect car became a gas guzzler, and we could afford it!
So I was feeling pretty good about myself, that I would soon be driving in a black racy car, even though it is big and bulky,and will take all my extra cash for gas, it isn't a mini-van!
So having decided to start the diet I went shopping and thought about what I would like to buy and then bought what I thought would be healthy, lots of vegetables and fruits, it was a bummer, but I was pretty good, except for the cheese nips, and that was just in case I worked out too much and needed a little extra energy. And I did buy a bag of chocolate chips, but that is for the cookies I will bake and give away, or mostly or maybe just a couple depending on the day. And I hid them so only I know where they are. Cleaver!
Then I went home, put away groceries and when outside and planted my new hanging flowers and pots. Actually I put mircale grow in and watered them, it was Fuchsia Saturday and Fred Meyer planted them and made them look pretty, but I put them on the porch and watered them.
So now it was time to get moving. This is such a different thing for me with only one child at home. Matthew choose to stay the whole day playing with his friends, which I never would have let the other four kids do (especially since he was suppose to be grounded). Can I call that a play-date even if he is fifteen? Am I a better, wiser, kinder mom or a worn out, old and tired mom. It is definitely debatable. He was home before ten, that evening, and the other mom brought him home. So there was plenty of time to exercise, or lets call it move, I feel better about that.
So then, I finally started the, "Shut your Mouth and Move your Feet Diet." I said, "Don't eat, Carleen," put on my Nike's, had to look at the shoes to remember the brand, couldn't read the brand, but saw the Logo, then drove to the trail, with Jack the dog and moved my feet. Actually it would have been a nice stroll, but Jack is a Jack Russell Terrier and he can move, has a very slim figure (maybe he has been doing this diet for awhile).
So, I have started the diet and now will Blog everyday, every other day, once a week or a least every once in a while on how this diet is going. If I am on to something I will share. I do promise not to charge, multi-level, or e-mail you the cost of this diet. This is only to see if there is a diet that will kinda work, semi work or even pretend to work for more than a couple of days.
Thats all for today. (only had a handful of the cheese nips, no chocolate chips so far)
big mama B

1 comment:

  1. you crack me up mama! love you. this is great. keep the posts coming.
